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Undervalued - It Is What It Is

Burnt Out & Undervalued: The truth about Young Professionals

Too many Young Professionals are burnt out and undervalued. This is a report on the results of a Snapshot Survey I recently carried out. This survey is a short (10 questions) anonymous, web-based survey of Young Professionals aged between 21 and 32 conducted in April 2017 in the UK. Burnt…

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A Career (It's Not For Life) Resume, CV

Words to avoid on your Résumé or CV

During the week I came across this short video about the words to avoid on your résumé or cv because they make hiring managers cringe and I wanted to share it with you. Words to Avoid on your Résumé or CV There is so much out there covering how to go…

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Who Needs Employees - Will Your Job Become Automated

Who Needs Employees and What it Means for Your Future Career

The rapidly changing work environment is leading to statements, such as this one on the front cover of People Management, May 2017 edition and leads me to ask the question - if companies no longer need employees, what does it mean for your future career? The article discusses the "Gig…

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Listen, Learn, Plan, Act, Review, Improve

Listen, Learn, Plan, Act, Review, Improve

This is my Mantra. A bit clunky perhaps, but it sums up my approach to life, work and everything in between. And you don't need to do them in the same order! Listen Everything good starts with good listening Learn The day you stop learning is the day you start to become…

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Millenials Unhappy Worklife Balance

Employees aged 25-34 most unhappy with work-life balance

According to a survey by YouGov (read more here) employees aged 25 to 34 are the most unhappy with their worklife balance. "41 per cent of 25-34 year-olds believe there is sometimes an expectation from their boss or employer to work outside their normal hours. What’s more, a quarter say…

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Mental Health - More Talk Needed

What is ‘Mental Health’?

Mental Health is the condition of your psychological and emotional wellbeing Everyone has ‘mental health’ just as we all have ‘physical health’. It’s about how healthy your mind is in relation to how you feel about yourself (self-esteem and self-confidence) and people you come into contact with, how well your…

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The Importance of Self-Control

We've all seen several recent examples in the news of people behaving angrily and losing their self-control. From reports that Donald Trump was 'Steaming Mad' (‘I haven’t seen him this angry’) to road rage ('Mother dragged woman out of car and beat her up in front of their children') and…

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Preventing Burnout - Handling Burnout - Warning Signs - What Causes Burnout

Handling Burnout – Preventing Burnout

"Burnout is when you are emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted" - Susan Scott It was Hans Selye (1907- 1982) who first gave a scientific explanation for biological stress. He called his model the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS). The GAP states that an event that threatens an organism’s well-being (a stressor)…

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Undervalued - It Is What It Is

It Is What It Is

  In bad situations, where events are outside of your control, deal with what you can – your response and emotions – and use the energy they create to find a way forward. When reality bites you If you've been watching the latest series of Sherlock you may have been…

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Preventing Burnout - Handling Burnout - Warning Signs - What Causes Burnout

Handling Burnout – What Causes Burnout?

"Burnout is when you are emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted" - Susan Scott Burnout has many causes. Often, but not exclusively, burnout stems from feelings of overwork and undervalue at work. This in turn can be caused by some or all of the following; Feeling that you have little or…

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