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Are You A Prisoner Of Your Own Beliefs

Are You a Prisoner of your own Beliefs?

The saying 'if you believe you can or you believe you can't, you are right' is a succinct summary of the situation where you are a prisoner of your own beliefs. Let's look at this through one of the case studies in my book 'How to have an outstanding career.'…

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People Skills

Do You Have the ‘People Skills’ you need to Thrive?

Whilst it is perhaps no real surprise, it is nevertheless disappointing that around half of employers say that their new graduate employees struggle with teamwork and problem solving skills. According to headline results from a survey of 174 employers, by the Association of Graduate Recruiters (AGR), 25% of graduates 'do…

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Listen, Learn, Plan, Act, Review, Improve

Listen, Learn, Plan, Act, Review, Improve

This is my Mantra. A bit clunky perhaps, but it sums up my approach to life, work and everything in between. And you don't need to do them in the same order! Listen Everything good starts with good listening Learn The day you stop learning is the day you start to become…

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The Importance of Self-Control

We've all seen several recent examples in the news of people behaving angrily and losing their self-control. From reports that Donald Trump was 'Steaming Mad' (‘I haven’t seen him this angry’) to road rage ('Mother dragged woman out of car and beat her up in front of their children') and…

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Undervalued - It Is What It Is

It Is What It Is

  In bad situations, where events are outside of your control, deal with what you can – your response and emotions – and use the energy they create to find a way forward. When reality bites you If you've been watching the latest series of Sherlock you may have been…

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