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A Career (It's Not For Life) Resume, CV

Choosing a Career (it’s not for life)

It's no surprise that choosing a career is challenging. According to research by Oxford Open Learning Trust (reported in HR Review), almost a fifth (17%) of women aged 18-24 years old feel they have chosen their career path too young. The survey also reveals that over a third of young…

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Are You A Prisoner Of Your Own Beliefs

Are You a Prisoner of your own Beliefs?

The saying 'if you believe you can or you believe you can't, you are right' is a succinct summary of the situation where you are a prisoner of your own beliefs. Let's look at this through one of the case studies in my book 'How to have an outstanding career.'…

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A Career (It's Not For Life) Resume, CV

How do I Pick the Right Career for Me?

Question SP asked me for some thoughts about this. He told me that he finished his degree a couple of years ago and since then has been working in a call centre, whilst trying to work out what to do with the next stage of his career. I got the…

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People Skills

Do You Have the ‘People Skills’ you need to Thrive?

Whilst it is perhaps no real surprise, it is nevertheless disappointing that around half of employers say that their new graduate employees struggle with teamwork and problem solving skills. According to headline results from a survey of 174 employers, by the Association of Graduate Recruiters (AGR), 25% of graduates 'do…

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A Career (It's Not For Life) Resume, CV

Is LinkedIn Worth the Time and Effort?

The Question AJ asked me about LinkedIn. Specifically she wanted to know my views about whether the amount of time and effort needed to engage in LinkedIn was worthwhile. She explained that she has got a profile, but it's limited information and she rarely interacts with anyone on the platform.…

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A Career (It's Not For Life) Resume, CV

Words to avoid on your Résumé or CV

During the week I came across this short video about the words to avoid on your résumé or cv because they make hiring managers cringe and I wanted to share it with you. Words to Avoid on your Résumé or CV There is so much out there covering how to go…

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Listen, Learn, Plan, Act, Review, Improve

Listen, Learn, Plan, Act, Review, Improve

This is my Mantra. A bit clunky perhaps, but it sums up my approach to life, work and everything in between. And you don't need to do them in the same order! Listen Everything good starts with good listening Learn The day you stop learning is the day you start to become…

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Getting Busyness under Control

In a crazy busy working life, it often feels as though we just don't have time to stop our doing. The demands are intense. Clients, bosses, friends, family all demanding a slice of our time and energy, until it's more than used up. And it's no good saying it's simple…

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