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Millenials Unhappy Worklife Balance

Employees aged 25-34 most unhappy with work-life balance

According to a survey by YouGov (read more here) employees aged 25 to 34 are the most unhappy with their worklife balance. "41 per cent of 25-34 year-olds believe there is sometimes an expectation from their boss or employer to work outside their normal hours. What’s more, a quarter say…

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Undervalued - It Is What It Is

It Is What It Is

  In bad situations, where events are outside of your control, deal with what you can – your response and emotions – and use the energy they create to find a way forward. When reality bites you If you've been watching the latest series of Sherlock you may have been…

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Getting Busyness under Control

In a crazy busy working life, it often feels as though we just don't have time to stop our doing. The demands are intense. Clients, bosses, friends, family all demanding a slice of our time and energy, until it's more than used up. And it's no good saying it's simple…

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