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Mental Health - More Talk Needed

Mental health is an increasing problem in the workplace today, according to new research from Bupa. The following sentence really caught my eye;

“The data shows the number of people receiving mental health treatments has increased by 53 per cent in the last decade, with stress and anxiety being the key driver.”

This doesn’t necessarily mean that there are more people suffering from poor mental health compared to 10 years ago. It may well be that awareness of mental health issues has increased and people have become more prepared to talk about it…and how it affects them. In fact the article mentions that “One in three now at ease talking about mental health at work.”

If that is the case, then this is good news, because we need to talk about it more, much more.

Zero Hours Contracts and Health

More research, this time from the UCL Institute of Education points to an emerging issue with young people employed on zero-hours contracts. the study found that 25-year-olds employed on zero hours contracts were 41 per cent less likely to report having good physical health compared with those with stable jobs. And physical health is intertwined with mental health.

Talk about Mental Health

Mental health needs talking about. I’m convinced that organisations and individuals need to spend more time and effort to understand the drivers of poor and good mental health, develop strategies to prevent as well as treat individuals with poor mental health and equally importantly, focus on activities to build and sustain good mental health.

Most of the work we do today isn’t physically demanding, instead it’s mentally demanding…and I believe that one of the reasons individuals struggle to succeed is because they don’t pay enough attention to their mental health. Yet, as I mentioned earlier, our physical health is intertwined with our mental health. Therefore good physical health helps us develop good mental health…and the reverse is also true.

So how much effort are you putting into building and sustaining your mental health…and your physical health? Have you got it balanced?

Susan Scott

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