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How to have an outstanding career


“How to have an outstanding career” helps Young Professionals deal with the greatest challenge they face in today’s crazy, volatile world of work – how to establish and create a long-term resilient and successful career.

Author and consultant Susan Scott defines Career Resilience as;

“The capacity to apply yourself and create a successful career whilst maintaining your health and wellbeing”

The best selling book, How To Have An Outstanding Career’ provides a clear and comprehensive blueprint for success, based on career resilience and is aimed directly at professionals between the ages of 21 to 32. Packed full of valuable ideas, tools and techniques, this book guides Young Professionals to develop their own resilient career plan and propel themselves towards an outstanding career and lasting success.

This is the book to go to if you are ambitious, looking for ways to develop a resilient career, feeling lost and in need of some guidance or are bored and frustrated with your current job.

Read this book, follow the steps, accelerate your career and become the person you’ve always dreamed of being.

How To Have An Outstanding Career redefines what a career is in the context of millenials and post-millenials. This unique new perspective encourages the reader to consider their own career as a climbing frame rather than the traditional ladder.

Susan’s work tackles the concept of maintaining a healthy balanced lifestyle whilst developing an oustanding career – tricky but not impossible in today’s crazy world of work.

The author calls this ‘career resilience’ and it encapsulates many aspects of developing an outstanding career including the mental, physical, emotional and social elements.

This is a ‘how to’ book filled with practical exercises that allow the reader to fully explore their career in the here and now, along with future potential, and to develop a realistic action plan. The focus is not simply on what you should do, but how you go about doing it.

How To Have An Outstanding Career will help current high achievers, as well as those who feel they have so much more to offer (but perhaps it isn’t quite happening) to reach their career goals, but not at the expense of their life and wellbeing.

Susan Scott’s book provides tips and techniques to realise your potential and take charge of your career, to raise your game and build your reputation whilst growing your capacity to cope with everything life throws at you.

This is based on the five keys contained within the book:

  • Your career is your responsibility
  • You can’t have it all now
  • You need to know where you are going, otherwise you won’t get there
  • The road to success is paved with challenges
  • You need to ensure that your career is not at the expense of having a life

“An outstanding career is one that keeps you energised and motivated, using your strengths to the full, constantly developing and growing without crashing and burning out.” – Susan Scott

“How to have an outstanding career” is available now. Order your copy today

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About Susan Scott


Susan Scott lives in Surrey and travels the world on business. She is a business psychologist, nutritional therapist, trainer, consultant and coach, as well as a public speaker and a best selling author. Susan believes that everyone – Young Professionals in particular – deserve to work in ways that foster their resilience, performance and careers.

She is a Fellow and Member of many professional organisations, runs two successful companies and has years of experience developing and running consulting and training programmes for private and public sector companies in the UK, across Europe, in the USA and Australasia on change, leadership and wellbeing as well as providing personal coaching support for individuals.

Susan is also privileged to have been Chair of the International Stress Management Association. However, what seems like an accomplished career has had more than its fair share of blips along the way, including a complete derailment only five years in. Despite these blips, Susan has managed to accomplish a lot because behind everything she does, Susan is brimming over with a passion to constantly learn with a strong desire to create work places that allow people to thrive and succeed – she believes everyone in the workplace should be allowed that opportunity.

Inside every one of us is potential but this crazy, highly pressured world can often make it hard to achieve success – Susan’s role is to inspire and energise people to do just that. Susan brings a highly energised, knowledgeable and blended mind-body approach to her work. She’s practical and realistic but also, and very importantly, business focused.

Susan has an MSc in Organisational Behaviour from the University of London, a Diploma in Nutritional Therapy (Distinction) from the Institute for Optimum Nutrition and is registered with The Nutritional Therapy Council.

She is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and a Fellow of the International Stress Management Association.  She is also a Principal Member of the Association for Business Psychology and a Member of the British Association of Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy.

And she is the co-author of “The Manager’s Role in Stress Prevention.”

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