Overcome insomnia
Symptoms | The main types of insomnia are:
· Sleep-onset insomnia, in which individuals have a hard time getting to sleep · Sleep-maintenance insomnia, in which individuals have a difficult time maintaining sleep The boundary between these two categories is not entirely distinct, and individuals can suffer from both. |
Causes | The most common causes of insomnia are psychological, and can include: | |
· Anxiety or tension
· Emotional arousal · Fear of insomnia · Phobia of sleep · Disruptive environment · Caffeine · Alcohol |
· Depression
· Sleep apnea · Hypoglycaemia · Parasomnias, such as sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome · Drugs · Pain or discomfort |
Diet | There are several dietary factors that can promote sleep:
· Avoid eating a heavy evening meal late. Avoid heavy protein, spicy, fatty foods and foods containing the stimulant tyramine such as red wine, bacon, cheese, ham, soya, nuts · Avoid anything containing caffeine, such as coffee, soft drinks, chocolate, hot cocoa and tea · Reduce alcohol which is a stimulant and alters sleep patterns · Have a banana, slice bread, cereal just before bed. This increases serotonin, which aids sleep and balances blood sugar levels · Drink hot milk or camomile tea |
Lifestyle | Lifestyle changes that may help with insomnia include:
· Avoid naps during the day · Use a dimmer switch on indoor lights in the evening · Create right bedroom setting – no tv, computer, pastel colours, good bed & pillow · Maintain regular bedtime and awakening hours each day · Keep the bedroom at a comfortable temperature · Keep the bedroom as dark as possible · Use ear plugs if noise is a problem · Have a bath 2 hours before bed, add lavender oil · Regularly schedule relaxation time before bed, using relaxation techniques o Music such as ‘The most relaxing classical music in the universe’, Soft Jazz, Chill Out albums o Relaxation exercise: This involves forcefully contracting one muscle group for a period of 1 to 2 seconds, then giving way to a feeling of relaxation. Begin by contracting the foot muscles; hold the contraction of a few second; then relax the muscles. Repeat this process progressively up your body, i.e. calves, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, lower arms and hands, the upper arms and chest. Repeat 2 or 3 times, or until you fall asleep · Regular physical activity can improve sleep quality but avoid late in the evening. Outdoor daytime exercise increases melatonin, the sleep hormone. Try a brisk walk |
Learn more about healthy sleep in my best-selling book ‘How to Prevent Burnout’ and my latest book, ‘Life Force. The revolutionary 7-step plan for optimum energy’.